A Digital Playbook for New York City

Project: A Digital Playbook for New York City
Client: The City of New York

NYC’s Digital Playbook consists of principles, strategies and tactics for NYC Agencies and City Hall to employ in improving service delivery. Bureau Blank created the playbook’s site design and contracted Neue Now to develop the website and create a unique Wordpress theme.

Read more about the Mayor’s vision for the Playbook and a more equitable digital experience on Medium.

Site and Icon Design by Alex Kaufman. Developed for Bureau Blank.
Neue Now Design Co / Dave Kriebel / The City of New York / A Digital Playbook for New York City
"The New York City Digital Playbook outlines how we want residents to experience City services and how we will use digital tools to strengthen communities, online and off."
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
Neue Now Design Co / Dave Kriebel / The City of New York / A Digital Playbook for New York City
"We believe that City government should be at New Yorkers’ fingertips and services should be just a swipe or a click away — just like so much of the technology in the rest of our lives."
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
Neue Now Design Co / Dave Kriebel / The City of New York / A Digital Playbook for New York City

Learn more about the NYC Digital Playbook

It's just a click away!

View NYC.gov/Playbook